WPPD 2024
Hau Mitakuyapi (my relatives),
Once again I am sending my voice to all Nations upon Mother Earth, those who can hear with their hearts - my sincerity - to unite together at our Sacred Sites creating an energy shift of a great healing on June 21st. We need to see and listen to the wamakas’ka (the animals) who are showing their sacred color of white more than ever now as there are now so many. This color represents the direction, when physical life now goes into the spirit journey. They are trying to warn us to pay attention to our responsibilities as a Global Nation. We have no choice but to now make positive decisions together, to protect the remaining sacredness that is trying to survive upon Mother Earth, which includes even our own children.
The birth of the white buffalo calf Miracle in 1994 and all the white animals that have stood upon the earth since that time, are messages that we can no longer ignore. We have always known that man has gone too far, even scientifically this sad truth has been shared of earth and climate changes.
Children are now being born with great sickness, just as the Elders told us would happen. The power of Woc’ekiya, which means kiya to send, c’aya to cry (prayer) has to be done with great intention of great unity. This is what has brought us through many hard times. This understanding needs to take place on a global scale.
We are asking all People to help create this energy shift by making the Woc’ekiya stronger by going to your own Sacred Site or building of your Faith on June 21st. I sincerely ask for Unity on behalf of all life upon Mother Earth to heal and all life to come.
In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning! It is time all People understand Mother Earth is the Source of life, not a resource.
Onipiktec’a (that we shall live),
Nac’a (Chief) Arvol Looking Horse 19th generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
Hear our WPPD 2024 Speakers
This year we held World Peace & Prayer Day in Pipestone Minnesota, the center of Turtle Island, in which lies a vein underground through catlinite of the sacred stone which is carved into our sacred ceremonial pipes.
We streamed the 19th and 20th, when relatives from different Nations and territories discussed how to protect what is sacred and shared about the suffering that’s happening in their communities. Recordings of the livestream below: